Manager Experiences

Here's what some managers who went through STAR:Office and STAR:Health Care had to say about it:

“One of the things I have seen is that staff are much more apt to get involved in brainstorming how we can manage our costs better, how we can bring in more revenue to improve our bottom line. ... Our retention rate has increased by about 5 percentage points over the past two years, and our turn over rate has decreased as well.”

Betsy, Health Care Administrator after STAR

“I have trouble talking about my own personal stuff … but when staff members are dealing with a traumatic event … I am more aware of how to interact and what to say.”

Ralph (Manager)

“I’ve lightened up more and people can work from wherever and just as long as they get the work done. … We’ve learned to be more flexible. But for the most part it has as a manager for me taught me to lighten up.”

Ben, IT Team Manager