STAR: Office

STAR (Support. Transform. Achieve. Results.) is an innovative process for creating an effective and productive work culture. These materials are geared towards Office settings and are designed to help teams find ways to decrease unnecessary work, increase productivity, and increase everyone’s control over their time. STAR also includes coaching for managers on how they can support their employees more effectively.

This Professional/Technical Workers version is most appropriate when organizations are mostly salaried, remote work or work at home is feasible, and some flexible hours are in place. See a program summary and sample timeline.

Download free training materials on this page. The Facilitator’s Guide to Implementing STAR Sessions (PDF) details the whole program and what you need for each training component.

Phase 1: Prepare for the Change

Leadership Education Session
Present an overview of the program, the STAR philosophy, and business case.

Materials you will need:

weSupport Training
Teach Family Supportive Supervisor Behaviors (FSSB) to your managers. Free or enhanced options available.

Materials you will need:

weSupport Behavior Tracking
Managers track their own behaviors to provide performance support and support for family and personal lives. Free or enhanced options available.

Materials you will need:

Phase 2: Set the Change in Motion

Kick Off Session
Present the vision of STAR, how it works, and why it is important to your organization.

Materials you will need:

Sludge Eradication Session
Introduce the concept of sludge (the toxic language used to judge how employees spend their work time) and learn how to eliminate “time-focused” language.

Materials you will need:

Sludge Eradication Activity
For two weeks, track how often you hear sludge language, avoid using it yourself, and stop others from using it.

Materials you will need:

Culture Clinic Session
Discuss challenges in your work environment, learn how to support personal life while meeting business goals, assess ways to increase support or work-time control, best practices, and key productivity measures.

Materials you will need:

Do Something Different Activity
For two weeks, try doing something new and different that encourages innovative ways of working.

Materials you will need:

Manager-Only Check-In Session
Coaching, confidence-building, role-plays, and review of management practices designed to help managers operate effectively while the culture evolves.

Materials you will need:

Behavior Tracking Part 2
Self-monitor supervisory supportive behaviors over two weeks.

Materials you will need:

Phase 3: Learn and Evolve

Forum Sessions
Share wins and challenges of a STAR work environment.

Materials you will need:

The Facilitator’s Guide details the whole program including time estimates and what you need for each training component.